You will never Walk Alone. Your Self Care is Part of this Journey.

As widows ourselves, we know the all too well the challenges you’re facing and the need for support from others who understand what you’re going through. Our group meetings, online resources, and events of course are all created with our experiences in mind, because it only takes one person to care.

Julie Brennan

We Do Care was built on connections, past, present and future. We want our Warrior families to find Joy in living again. Anything is possible if you have your Warrior Sisters and our families will never go into a battle alone. The journey we are on isn’t meant to be walked alone and you won’t.

Resources we recommend:

Listening to music can be a powerful tool during the grieving process. It can provide comfort, solace, and a sense of connection to emotions and memories associated with the loved one who passed away. Music can also be a form of self-expression, allowing individuals to express their feelings and emotions in a way that may be difficult to put into words. It can also serve as a form of distraction, providing a break from the constant thoughts and feelings associated with grief. Additionally, certain songs or pieces of music may have special significance to the individual, such as a song that was played at the funeral, or a song that reminds them of the loved one, can be a source of comfort and familiarity. Overall, listening to music can be a helpful way to cope with grief and the healing process.

Writing a journal during the grieving process can be a beneficial tool for coping with the emotions and thoughts associated with loss. It can provide a means of self-expression, allowing individuals to process their feelings and emotions in a safe and private space. It can also be a way to document the journey of grief, providing insight and understanding of one’s own emotions over time. A journal can also serve as a form of self-reflection, helping individuals to find meaning and closure in their loss. Additionally, journaling can be a way to create a lasting memory of the loved one and help to preserve the memories of the person who passed away. Keeping a journal can be a helpful way to cope with grief and the healing process, and it can be a valuable tool for finding closure and moving forward.

Drinking water can have several benefits during the grieving process. It can help to keep the body hydrated, which can improve overall physical health and reduce feelings of fatigue and stress. It can also help to flush out toxins and promote healthy digestion, which can improve emotional well-being. Additionally, drinking water can act as a simple distraction and mindfulness practice, providing a momentary break from overwhelming emotions and thoughts. In summary, drinking water during the grieving process can be a simple but effective way to take care of the physical and emotional needs of the body and mind.

Exercising during the grieving process can have several benefits. It can help to release endorphins, which are natural chemicals in the brain that can improve mood and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Exercise can also provide a distraction from overwhelming emotions and thoughts, allowing individuals to focus on their physical activity instead. Additionally, it can improve sleep, boost self-esteem and help to regulate emotions. It can also be a way to honor the memory of the loved one by taking care of yourself and make you feel that you’re doing something positive for yourself. In summary, exercise can be a valuable tool for coping with grief and promoting overall physical and emotional well-being.

Taking a nap during the grieving process can be beneficial as it can help to improve overall physical and emotional well-being. Grief can take a toll on the body and mind, causing feelings of fatigue, stress, and anxiety. Napping can help to rest the body and mind, allowing individuals to recharge and better cope with the emotions associated with grief. Additionally, napping can improve cognitive function, boost mood, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. It can also be a way to take a momentary break from overwhelming emotions and thoughts and allow you to come back refreshed and better able to cope with the process of grief. In summary, taking a nap can be a simple but effective way to care for the physical and emotional needs of the body and mind during the grieving process.

Meditating during the grieving process can be beneficial as it can help to promote emotional well-being and self-awareness. Grief can be overwhelming and meditation can provide a sense of calm and inner peace. It can help to clear the mind of negative thoughts and emotions, and promote relaxation and a sense of inner stillness. Additionally, meditation can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, improve sleep and boost the immune system. It can also be a way to honor the memory of the loved one by taking care of yourself, and find a sense of inner peace. In summary, meditating can be a valuable tool for coping with grief and promoting overall physical and emotional well-being.

Practicing zero balancing, yoga, and reiki during the grieving process can be beneficial as they can help to promote emotional and physical well-being. Zero balancing is a body-mind technique that helps to release tension and improve energy flow, yoga can help to release tension, improve flexibility, and reduce stress, and Reiki is a energy healing method that aims to balance the body’s energy. These practices can be helpful in coping with grief as they can provide a sense of calm and inner peace, help to release tension and negative emotions, and promote relaxation and a sense of inner stillness. These practices can also be a way to honor the memory of the loved one by taking care of yourself, and find a sense of inner peace. In summary, practicing zero balancing, yoga, and reiki can be a valuable tool for coping with grief and promoting overall physical and emotional well-being.