My boy

Yesterday we entered the Olivander’s Wand Shop in Universal California. With a group of about 25 people we were all positioned against the wall by the assistant. Your father and I hoped one of you boys would be chosen as the special guest to have a wand fitted to you. The wand chose you, my first born son. Watching you go through this amazing experience, your eyes lit up.

You are now 12 years old. What the keeper of the shop did not know is:

You are the boy that saved me first.

You were the boy that saw me ugly cry the whole first year.

You were the boy that wiped my tears and told me “I don’t like that face, please stop crying Mommy” at age three.

You were the boy that turned to jokes to make me laugh so I wouldn’t cry.

You were the life in my soul.

You were the only boy that went through the horrible tragedy of losing your father with me.

When the witch helped you find the perfect fit, I saw your eyes begin to blink, my sensitive boy, I know you were fighting back tears. Mine came rolling down my face. Tears of pride and happiness that she chose you!

You read all of the Harry Potter books and enjoyed seeing each movie after finishing the book.

That experience was so special and meaningful for you. I am blessed to have been there to watch the magic my boy.

The woman who picked you for that experience has no idea what an amazing young man you truly are. However the words she spoke were so accurate and meant just for y-o-u.

With horse hair, this wand is meant for a person who is so loyal to his friends and family. Son, you are incredibly loyal to your friends and peers. Whether it is sitting with the child who sits alone at lunch, to being best friends with the boy who couldn’t find his voice and purposefully not associating with the mean kids. The wand chose you.

My boy I love you with my whole heart, and am thankful our tragic loss shaped you for the better and you came out a more powerful person.



August 18, 2019

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Jenn Cohn

    Truly a beautiful piece Julie. So heartfelt and loving. I was crying. I am so happy Jayce had this opportunity. He is a great young man, so it’s nice to be reminded how special he is.

    1. Marie

      So beautifully written words, from a beautiful person , inside and out! Love you Julie!!💜

  2. Papa

    Great things are in his future. The present is just shaping him to receive what is in his future. 💖😎

  3. Karen J Schoff

    Thank you for writing such a beautiful post. My children were young too when they lost their father. My daughter, almost 21 now, has also loved Harry Potter. Literature can play a powerful role in the lives of children who know loss and grief. I am very proud of my daughter. She has grown into a strong and compassionate young woman. It is a long road, but I agree – tragedy can shape us in ways we may never have anticipated. Take Care.

    1. wedocaregriefandloss

      Karen thank you for sharing! May I ask where you live? We Do Care is based in Easton, Massachusetts. I’d love to connect. ❤️ Raising grieving children is the hardest part of our journey. Much love and respect,
      Julie Brennan

      1. Karen J Schoff

        Hi Julie, I live in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia. Guiding our children through grief is hard, as well as trying to deal with our own. It is a life-long journey. We continue to grow. We heal to a certain degree, but we carry it forever in our hearts. Our children know pain and loss in a way that their peers may never know for many years. It many ways it has been a lonely road for my daughter and I think that is why she loved Harry Potter so much. She could relate to him. I think your blog is beautiful. We need to tell our stories. And we know that there are other families walking the same road, even if they are on the other side of the world, and we do not feel quite so alone. With love and respect too, Karen.

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